Tuesday 10 May 2011

Bramble Magazine

Instead of redesigning one of the magazine websites that I reviewed I have decided to use my own magazine and branding (developed in 2nd and 3rd year), with which to develop the website. There are several reasons that I have chosen to use my own magazine and particularly as a 4th year student I think that it will be particularly helpful for me to use my own work for this project, which I could then potentially at some later date modify into a professional portfolio.

The magazine is called “bramble” and it focuses on the areas of photography, illustration, fashion and design. It has a feminine and whimsical aesthetic and I want to use this visual language develop a website that is both refined and stylish yet playful and beautiful.

As the magazine is not in production I will draw images from others as well as my own visual archive to illustrate the look and feel I am trying to achieve.

I find minimalistic websites and layouts appeal to me the most and I want the website to be as easy to navigate as possible, relying on good typography and design rather than complicated interactive elements to engage the viewer- (however if I manage to master any it would be nice to include)

I hope to create something that I will be able to extend on next semester for
my major work.

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